
一、 本週冷氣團來襲,且類流感疫情處流行期,呼吸道感染疫情預估將持續升溫,經疾管署統計近四週主要以腺病毒、流感病毒、副流感病毒、呼吸道融合病毒及新冠病毒等,持續於社區活動。

二、 呼吸道感染疾病防治:

1.         持續依符合條件施打疫苗,詳情請見疾管署官網「秋冬疫苗專區」(https://gov.tw/eU4)。

2.         依教育部及疾管署公告之戴口罩規範:

(1)      學校健康中心比照疾管署所列指定場所(醫療照護機構)規定戴口罩。

(2)      以下情況建議戴口罩:

a.       有發燒或呼吸道症狀。

b.       年長者或免疫低下者外出,或與其密切接觸時。

c.       人潮聚集且無法保持適當距離或通風不良之場合,例如搭乘大眾交通工具及校園接駁車等。

d.       出入醫事機構(藥局、物理治療所等)及其他醫療機構(捐血中心)等高感染風險場所時。

三、 敬請各位教職員工生持續維持良好個人衛生習慣,注意自身情況,讓我們齊心防疫,齊力守護你我健康。


李靜芳護理師 分機3111

Tips for Preventing Respiratory Infections

1.    The cold air mass coincides with a spike in flu-like illnesses, leading to predictions of increased respiratory infections. CDC’s recent four-week data reveal the prevalent viruses circulating in the community include adenovirus, influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus, and coronavirus.

2.   How to prevent respiratory infections:

(1) Follow vaccination guidelines based on your conditions. For more information, check out the Fall/Winter Vaccination Program on the CDC website at https://gov.tw/eU4.

(2) Comply with the mask mandates from the MOE and the CDC.

A. Masks are mandatory at the Health Center as it is a healthcare facility covered under the CDC’s mask mandate.

B. Mask wearing is advised in the following situations.

(a) When a fever or respiratory symptoms are present;

(b) When elderly people or people with weak immune systems go out or when you are in close contact with them;

(c) In a crowded place where proper distance from others cannot be maintained or ventilation is poor, such as public transportation or school shuttles;

(d) When visiting medical institutions (e.g., pharmacies, physical therapy clinics) and high-risk healthcare facilities (e.g., blood donation centers).

3.    We urge all faculty, staff, and students to continue to practice proper personal hygiene, remain vigilant about their health, and work together to safeguard our well-being.

For further inquiries, please contact the Office of Student Affairs:

Nurse Ching-Fang Li, Extension 3111.