- 本校依教育部規定發放快篩試劑予本校教職員工生已完成階段性任務,故『立可篩』設立將實施至今(2023)年6月30日止,設立期間內如領用完畢,將提前終止。家用快篩試劑可請自行至藥局/藥妝/超商/超市等通路購買。
- 防疫回歸常態,應持續配合戴口罩規定及建議,落實肥皂勤洗手、咳嗽禮節等個人衛生好習慣及快篩陽性0+n自主健康管理之制度,保護自己也保護他人。
The COVID-19 rapid test kits, funded publicly and distributed by the Ministry of Education to colleges and universities, are nearing their expiry date, and the stockpile is depleting.
- The test kits, given to faculty, staff, and students in line with the Ministry of Education’s directive, have fulfilled their intended purpose. As a result, the Rapid Test Kit program will remain operational until June 30, 2023, but may cease earlier if supplies are exhausted. Home rapid test kits can be purchased from pharmacies, drug stores, convenience stores, supermarkets, and other retail outlets.
- As we move towards normalcy from pandemic restrictions, it’s still crucial to follow guidelines related to wearing masks, maintaining proper personal hygiene, such as washing hands frequently with soap and covering mouths while coughing, and following the 0+n self-health management system after rapid testing positive. Do your part to protect yourself and those around us.