- 在校檢查時間:113年8月20日(二)下午14:00-16:30 (請務必於16:00前完成報到)
- 在校報到地點:公館校區中正堂
- 到院檢查時間:113年8月21日至113年9月27日上午10時
- 到院報到地點:新店耕莘醫院巡迴健康檢查中心(新北市新店區中正路362號C棟2樓)
- 採到院檢查者請於受檢前 1 週進行電話預約, 預約專線:(02) 7751-5688分機3或總機
- 8月20日(二)請依選擇時段到公館校區中正堂報到,報到前請詳閱行前通知與到院健檢注意事項,並請完成「勞動部特殊危害作業項目線上問卷量表 線上問卷(網址:https://www.cardinal-tien.com/NewMobileRegister/ )
- 請已向環境安全衛生中心登記「113年度實驗室人員特殊健康檢查」之師生與同仁,敬請於8月9日前完成健檢時段之預約,預約網址: https://reurl.cc/WxerZe
- Please select a check-in period, and the maximum number of people in each period is 20. On the afternoon of August 20 (Tuseday), please check in at the Zhongzheng Hall according to the selected time period. Please read the precautions carefully and complete the “Online Questionnaire for Special Hazardous Work Items of the Ministry of Labor” (Questionnaire link will be https://www.cardinal-tien.com/NewMobileRegister/ )
- 特殊健檢者可不用空腹。
No fasting is required for special health examination. - 檢查前一日請勿酗酒及熬夜。
Do not drink alcohol or stay up late the day before the examination. - 孕婦或疑有懷孕者勿照X光。
Pregnant women or those suspected of being pregnant should not take X-rays. - 如有長期服藥及女性生理期間,請告知醫護人員。
If there is a long-term medication and female physiological period, please inform the… - 抽血後勿搓揉,輕壓3〜5分鐘至沒流血後方可取下棉球。
blood drawing, gently press for 3-5 minutes until there is no bleeding, and then remove the cotton ball. - 若有尿液檢查項目者,請取中段尿液並請將尿管裝置 9 分滿,繳交回尿液繳交處。女性同仁如遇生理期,請告知護理人員,會另行教導留尿方式。
If there is any urine test item, please take the middle urine and fill up the urine tube device with 90% and return the urine specimen to the urine specimen collection station. If female colleagues encounter physiological period, please inform the nursing staff, and they will separately teach the way of urine collection. - 若有x光檢查項目者請當日穿著輕便服裝,勿穿連身裙及絲襪。
If there are X-ray examination items, please wear light clothes on that day instead of dress and stockings.
健檢問題請洽校內分機6449 王護理師
特殊健檢申請,請洽校內分機6505 游技術專員