


  • 室外空間(室外場所)得免全程佩戴口罩。
  • 室內空間(室內場所)應全程佩戴口罩,但如屬(1)從事運動、唱歌、拍攝個人/團體照、用餐、飲水時(2)直播、錄影、主持、報導、致詞、演講等談話性質工作或活動之正式拍攝時(3)進行歌唱、舞蹈或吹奏時,得免戴口罩,但應隨身攜帶或準備口罩,且於上述活動開始前及結束後,仍須戴口罩。
  • 餐廳從業人員應全程佩戴口罩。
  • 自主防疫、自主健康管理期間請全程佩戴口罩,維持社交距離,有飮食需求時可暫免佩戴口罩,並於用畢立即佩戴口罩。
  • 如本身有相關症狀或與不特定對象無法保持社交距離時,仍應戴口罩。


  • 學校健康中心、交通車等比照指定場所之規定,應全程佩戴口罩。
  • 針對特定場域(如實驗室或餐廚等)或部分課程(如餐飲實作課或實驗課等),依其性質原本即自行訂有應佩戴口罩之規定。
  • 自主防疫、自主健康管理期間請全程佩戴口罩,維持社交距離,有飮食需求時可暫免佩戴口罩,並於用畢立即佩戴口罩。
  • 有發燒或呼吸道症狀者、人潮聚集且無法保持適當距離或通風不良之場合,建議要戴口罩。
  • 其餘校內室內場所/空間,實施自主佩戴口罩措施。

健康中心 敬上

NTNU will be adopting the following measures, to be adjusted on a rolling basis, for the 2022-2023 spring semester in line with the CECC’s announcement to relax the regulations on indoor mask-wearing starting February 20 and the MOE’s relaxation on indoor mask-wearing on campuses starting March 6.

February 20 to March 5:

  • Masks are not required outdoors.
  • Masks are required indoors except in the following situations, but you should carry one or have one readily available and wear it before and after: (1) when exercising, singing, taking individual/group photos, eating or drinking; (2) when engaged in speech delivery activities or events like livestreaming, videorecording, emceeing, reporting, giving speeches or lectures; and (3) when singing, dancing or playing an instrument.
    • Cafeteria/restaurant staff should wear a mask at all times.
    • Wear a mask during a self-initiated prevention period or self-health management, maintain social distancing, and only remove masks temporarily when eating or drinking.
    • Masks are still required if you have respiratory symptoms or it is not possible to maintain social distancing with unknown persons.

    From March 6:

    • Masks are required at designated spaces such as the NTNU Health Center and on shuttle buses.
    • Specific venues (laboratories or kitchens) or certain courses (culinary or laboratory classes) should follow their respective mask-wearing regulations depending on their nature.
    • Wear a mask during a self-initiated prevention period or self-health management, maintain social distancing, and only remove masks temporarily when eating or drinking.
    • Masks are recommended for people with a fever or respiratory symptoms, in crowded situations where maintaining appropriate distance is difficult, or where ventilation is poor.
    • Voluntary mask-wearing measures will be implemented in all other indoor places/spaces on campus.

    Health Center